
Showing posts from 2014

Prelude to 2015

Soo, here I am at the end of 2014 waiting for my grades in this semester to come out. I've been in college for 6 months now, and I have learned that college is a miniature of this world . The people, the problems, the environment, everything represents the challenge we'll face in the future. I had myself divided by my activities, and it was exhausting and quite depressing. I hope the 2nd term will be better. This is early to say, but Happy 2015 Everyone! p.s. I'm gonna be super busy in the 2nd term, so maybe I won't post as much as usual.


The lamplights near my home, replacing the stars. Pretty, but at the same time it's sad, because the light pollution disturbs the stars observation.  And I thought,  " So the lamp-lighter got many lamps to light and to put out now, and the photo-hunters got a new object, and the star-gazers are disappointed, because the stars are missing. " [ Lamplights ] [ Tilt-shift ] [ Bokeh + tilt-shift ] P.s. These photos were taken about a week ago, when I came home. Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Letter: Long Gone and Move On

To:- From: Renes I wrote this letter for no one in particular and for some very particular people in my life. Above all, I just need to get these phrases out of my brain because they keep flowing like water in a river. It's such a waste to let these words just keep flowing without any reservoir. As distance grows further, and it slowly pulls you away from me. Pulls you away from the road we once walked on together. That distance made me persistent in trying to hold on to the memories left behind on that road. And that attitude make me feel reluctant to accept the fact that people come and go in this life. Made me feel reluctant to accept the fact that you're gone, slowly fading away. But now I realize I have to learn to accept that fact because once I had accepted it, no matter how much I feel alien-nated in this Milky Way Galaxy, I don't have to try so hard to hold on to memories. I only need to trace back to the past events, remember the good times we once had, ...

About College

It's been a month since I live in the dorm, and this is my second week since I started my studies/classes. How's college? Fun, yet not easy. New friends, new problems, many activities, more homework, more study hours. In this second week I discover that time management is essential . If I can't divide my time for my studies and my extra activities well, then I guess I'm gonna have myself divided by those two things. My class is IF-38-01, consisting 40 people I guess, and there's 15 girls among those 40 students. My dorm roommate is... hmm, how do you say it? Sick? Cool? I prefer crazy and awesome to describe them. My roommates are very fun and cooperative. And they are LOUD .  P.s. Maybe in the future I can't write as often as I used in this past few months, due to the amount of homework and studies I need to do. I have to study for like, at least, 10 hours a day after class (or maybe class is included?)  

Selamat 69 Tahun Indonesia

" 17 Agustus tahun '45...  Itulah hari kemerdekaan kitaaa, hari merdeka, nusa dan bangsa, hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia Meerdeekaa, sekali merdeka tetap merdeka! Selama hayat masih dikandung badan " Kemarin, 17 Agustus 2014, tepatnya di hari Minggu, Indonesia berumur 69 tahun. Belum banyak perubahan yang terjadi, pemerintahannya masih bermasalah, rakyatnya miskin, orang-orangnya susah diatur dan keras kepala, dan manajemen SDA yang buruk.  Dengan garis besar permasalahan di atas dan segudang masalah lain yang belum disebut, sekarang ada pertanyaan umum, "Apakah kalian bangga jadi orang Indonesia?"  Dan pernyataan jawaban paling umum adalah, "Tidak" . Sebagian besar dari kita mungkin masih kesulitan kalau ditanya, "Apa yang membuat kalian bangga jadi orang Indonesia?" . Orang pada umumnya akan menjawab, "Budayanya." Kalau menurut saya, bukan hanya sekedar budayanya. Sejujurnya, negeri ini memang carut-marut , mengingatn...


Happy Lebaran 1435 H everyone!   Please forgive me if I ever make mistakes to you. Minal aidzin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)  


Suddenly I feel the urge to write this post. Many things will change after this Eid-ul Fitr ( Lebaran in Indonesia), I will go to college and stay in the dorm for a year, after that I have to find a place to live near my campus. I get back in touch again with my cousins, after several years I didn't hear anything from them. Also, I got new friends, from all over Indonesia. And I guess my life will be moving faster, in a fast-forward mode.  Oh, alhamdulillah now I'm officially a Telkom University (Tel-U) student, majoring in Informatics Engineering in Telkom Engineering School! I'm quite happy, though I didn't pass SBMPTN, but I'm happy I'm in Telkom because I already know some people there, and already made new friends even before the new term started! I knew them via twitter, from the #MABA2014 @InfoUnivTelkom, they were looking for students with the same major as me, and I said hi.  At first I was afraid, what if they didn't like me? What if th...

Divergent: Aptitude Test

This morning I was curious about the Aptitude Test because my friend tried it, so I opened the web and take the test, and I am divergent. [ The result ]
" When you see a person from their heart, I think their looks don't matter anymore. "

The Miseries of Just-Graduated-from-Highschool

Why do I type "miseries" instead of just "misery" ? Because it's many. It's torturing when you want to get a part-time job, but most of the vacancies available requires you to be a college kid in their 2nd year. Damn.  Well yeah, soon to enter college, I'm still waiting for the result announcement though, which is an added misery. I reaally need a part-time job because I have to make some money to fix my analogue camera. It was my mother's, and then she said I could have it. Another problem, a part-time job for a highschool fresh graduates like me isn't easy to find in Indonesia. You can say it's quite an uncommon thing in here for students to have a part-time job. Last, because I don't have many things to do, that's why I need some activity to fill my spare time.

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa 1435 H! Minal aidzin wal faidzin, semoga puasa kita diberi kelancaran dan kita diberi berkah yang berlimpah di bulan ini. Happy fasting guys! :)

Testimony: KUMON Math

This below is my testimony for Kumon Class Diary as a Completer. Hola! Saya Renes, panjangnya Rana Renes Rengga. Saya mulai ikut Kumon Math saat kelas 1 SD. Pada awalnya, Ibu saya tidak mengijinkan saya untuk ikut Kumon, tetapi, karena saya ngotot, akhirnya Ibu saya mengijinkan saya untuk ikut, dengan perjanjian bahwa saya harus menyelesaikan Kumon saya sampai akhir, karena kata Ibu, jika saya hanya ikut setengah jalan, apa yang sudah saya usahakan akan sia-sia. Saya setuju. Dan setelah itu, saya berusaha untuk menyelesaikan Kumon Math, meskipun saya membutuhkan waktu 12 tahun. Tapi saya senang karena berhasil menyelesaikannya.  Manfaatnya memang belum begitu terasa saat saya SD, tapi baru terasa ketika masuk SMA, dan untuk persiapan masuk kuliah. Sebelum ikut Kumon, konsentrasi saya gampang pecah. Ada suara sedikit, meleng. Ada orang lewat, meleng lagi. Tapi setelah ikut Kumon, sedikit-sedikit konsentrasi saya meningkat, sampai saya tidak kesulitan berkonsentrasi lag...


Apa itu bahagia? Orang bilang, bahagia itu sederhana. Simpel. Kalau dari, definisi bahagia adalah 1. keadaan atau perasaan senang dan tenteram (bebas dari segala yang menyusahkan) 2. beruntung. Kalau menurut aku, bahagia itu bebas. Bahagia itu juga berarti mensyukuri dan menerima. Bebas dari rasa takut, sesal, dan gelisah. Jadi benar apa yang dibilang sama, bahagia itu merasa tentreram. Tapi aku juga mau nambahin, bukan cuma tenteram, tapi juga tenang dan damai. Mensyukuri dan menerima. Kalau kita bisa bersyukur atas apa yang sudah kita terima, apa yang sudah kita dapatkan, well, bukan cuma bahagia yang kita dapat, tapi, kita bisa berpikir bahwa hidup ini indah, dan terus, menikmati hidup. It's been some time since the last time I could feel such definition of happiness. I wonder when will I ever feel that way again. And when I wrote "such definition of happiness" I really mean real happiness . Bukan bahagia yang semu, rasa senang yang....

Prom: 14 Farewell Party

[ Me ] On 23 June 2014, 14'14 had our prooom! Meskipun 1 angkatan itu ga semuanya dateng, tapi tetep rame kook! Terima kasih buat panitia, buat IPA 3 yang udah dateng, dan juga buat Gino Ferucci Hotel Braga. [ With 12 IPA 3 ]

SBMPTN: The Aftertaste

It's been a while. Setelah sibuk ngurusin belajar buat SBMPTN tiap hari, sekarang semuanya udah beres. Alhamdulillah. Sekarang semuanya sudah selesai, tinggal nunggu pengumuman nanti tanggal 17 Juli. Mudah-mudahan bisa lolos, aaamiin, doain ya!

Letter: Late Birthday Present

Saturday, 24th May 2014. Present from Sheila, which is a new agenda :) To: Sheila Subject: Thank you soo much Sheil! 

Wisuda = Graduation

Yesterday I had my graduation ceremony, finally I'm officially not a high-schooler anymore. It was a bit... hmm, garing , I think? The speeches given were too long, none of the graduates were listening. Even I almost fell asleep. But besides that, I had fun, I took pictures with my friends and talked and laughed with them. I don't know when will I have the chance to be with them again, so I'm glad that I was enjoying yesterday, because all of us are going for different path. I wish all the best for each of us (yeah, yeah, I'm being fluffy, but no, actually, seriously).  Last but not least, I love you 12 Science-3.  These are some of yesterday's photo [ Nandia, this photo is actually my best shot of yesterday ]  [ Tika - Kamil - Me ] [ The Physics Olympic Team ] [ (one of my) Favorite photo ] [ My buddies ]

Grandpa's Stuff

Yesterday I visit Grandpa at my Aunt's house, and he gave me a chemistry crash course, also some of his old stuff. Katanya kalau pakai yang Dow (the white one), harus ditaksir berapa kira-kira angka yang ada di antara skalanya. Dan ada 2% tingkat kesalahan dalam penaksiran itu. Kalau yang contoller, bilangannya cenderung bulat. But still, he said it's better to use nowadays calculator, because it doesn't have the 2% mistake rate. [Jaqcuard paper bundle | The Dow Ruler, Calculator, and Table | Calculator-Controller from Amtraco] [ My favorite, Grandpa said this can be used to calculate in knot]

A Writer

I think, the best thing about being a writer, is that you are free to become whoever you like in your story. Anybody you want to be in real life, but you can't. You have the freedom to transform people, to say what you can't say to them in reality. Most of all, you're free to be yourself.

BGYC 4.0

Several days ago, I attend this Bandung Global Youth Conference 4.0, held by AIESEC LC Bandung, which is my first conference. It was 3 days, from April 25-27. The theme is how to be a 21st century leaders. I was the only highschooler in BGYC, the rest were college kids. At first I was worried, because I hardly knew anyone. But my worries were wrong, I get to know and meet new people, learn new ideas, and have some new friends. In BGYC, I learn that age doesn't matter. If you could make a change, then make it happen!   



If My Heart Was a House

Back and forth, if my heart was a compass you'd be North Wherever you go, if my heart was a house you'd be home   -Owl City,  If My Heart Was a House I love this song, so much.  


Posting about UN or the National Exam is not interesting anymore for me, even though it's H-9 now. Therefore I think, if you talk about it, it has become a  cliché   between highschool students here. Just wish me luck for my last exam in highschool.

Lettre pour Le Petit Prince dans Samedi Soir

I'm sorry, I wrote so many letters here because I don't have anyone else to write to. Here we go. To: Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exup é ry Saturday night, 22-3-2014 Dear Little Prince, Good day! Last Thursday I finished reading your story in the book. It's a gentle book, really touching, and filled with real values.  I agree with what the fox says, that you can only see things clearly with your heart, and that what is important is invisible to the eye. So, I concluded, that the important things can only be seen clearly if you use your heart . But please tell me, how can you do it? I really need to see things clearly right now because I seemed to keep repeating the same mistakes. I tried not to, but the pattern of the mistakes is still the same. Why am I keep repeating the same mistakes? And I hate to feel so melancholic, so blue, but I can't help it.  Curhat? Yeah. Pardon me, but I guess I just need someone that is unreal to deal with my unrealis...

A Letter of Emptiness

Honestly, it's fun to be a part of a group, to be among friends you know. You'll feel safe and sound. But when you're all alone, either because you're pulling away or being left behind, you'll feel emptiness. You'll feel empty, lonely and sad. But what's interesting from being all alone, is that you'll get some brand new different perspective and a rare opportunity to know yourself better. And you will learn to handle your thoughts and emotions better in public. Plus, some kind of happiness to be free to be yourself. So, I think, even though right now I feel empty, as if I'm left behind, maybe, being alone isn't so bad after all.

Satu Sore di Kenichi

Ini cerita kejadian beneran, udah agak lama, beberapa minggu yang lalu. Aku liat sendiri langsung di TKP. Meskipun cuma jadi pengamat dan pencerita, tapi tiap keinget tetap rasanya hati miris. Ini. S atu sore hari, di Kenichi Riau, aku ke sana untuk cari makan, karena sudah kelaparan akut dan memang habis itu aku ada Kumon. Dan aku ingat itu hari sekolah karena pas kejadian aku pakai seragam. Setelah taro tas di salah satu meja, aku ikut antri di kasir paling ujung kanan. Dan memang saat itu lagi jam penuh, banyak orang yang makan siangnya ngaret sampai jam 3/4an, including me. Sambil nungguin antrian, aku liat-liat kanan kiri.  Awalnya sih ga ngeh, cuman pas liat ada anak perempuan sekitar kelas 1/2 SD, pake sandal, baju tangan pendek, dan dikerudung, dan juga ga bisa diem, cuma mikir, "Ini anak siapa sih? Perasaan dari tadi nyelap-nyelip ga jelas di antrian." Terus pas diliat lagi, anak itu nyempil-nyempil di depan, ada sama orang terus ada anak-anak juga, dan aku ...