
Suddenly I feel the urge to write this post.

Many things will change after this Eid-ul Fitr (Lebaran in Indonesia), I will go to college and stay in the dorm for a year, after that I have to find a place to live near my campus. I get back in touch again with my cousins, after several years I didn't hear anything from them. Also, I got new friends, from all over Indonesia. And I guess my life will be moving faster, in a fast-forward mode. 

Oh, alhamdulillah now I'm officially a Telkom University (Tel-U) student, majoring in Informatics Engineering in Telkom Engineering School! I'm quite happy, though I didn't pass SBMPTN, but I'm happy I'm in Telkom because I already know some people there, and already made new friends even before the new term started! I knew them via twitter, from the #MABA2014 @InfoUnivTelkom, they were looking for students with the same major as me, and I said hi. 

At first I was afraid, what if they didn't like me? What if they didn't respond? But because I was really curious, and I want to try out these Networking for Introverts tips from , so I could blend in faster, I brace myself and give it a try. And it worked! :)

[ I took this photo at Gramafon, after Bioscope ]
And the sad thing about going to college is, I'll be leaving Mom, my comfy and cozy bedroom, books collection, cassettes, and the radio behind. Just a thought about it makes me miss them already. But I have to get out of my comfort zone, so I can learn to see things from new perspectives. I feel scared, but excited at the same time.

My stay in the dormitory as a freshmen begins in 6th August 2014- June 2015.
