About College

It's been a month since I live in the dorm, and this is my second week since I started my studies/classes. How's college? Fun, yet not easy. New friends, new problems, many activities, more homework, more study hours. In this second week I discover that time management is essential. If I can't divide my time for my studies and my extra activities well, then I guess I'm gonna have myself divided by those two things. My class is IF-38-01, consisting 40 people I guess, and there's 15 girls among those 40 students.

My dorm roommate is... hmm, how do you say it? Sick? Cool? I prefer crazy and awesome to describe them. My roommates are very fun and cooperative. And they are LOUD

P.s. Maybe in the future I can't write as often as I used in this past few months, due to the amount of homework and studies I need to do. I have to study for like, at least, 10 hours a day after class (or maybe class is included?) 
