Letter: Long Gone and Move On

From: Renes

I wrote this letter for no one in particular and for some very particular people in my life. Above all, I just need to get these phrases out of my brain because they keep flowing like water in a river. It's such a waste to let these words just keep flowing without any reservoir.

As distance grows further, and it slowly pulls you away from me.
Pulls you away from the road we once walked on together.
That distance made me persistent in trying to hold on to the memories left behind on that road.
And that attitude make me feel reluctant to accept the fact that people come and go in this life. Made me feel reluctant to accept the fact that you're gone, slowly fading away.
But now I realize I have to learn to accept that fact because once I had accepted it, no matter how much I feel alien-nated in this Milky Way Galaxy, I don't have to try so hard to hold on to memories. I only need to trace back to the past events, remember the good times we once had, and cherish it. And after that, even if I still feel forever alone (which is a stupid feeling, but torturing), by remembering the good times it reminds me that I was not alone, and will never be alone in this lovely earth, or should I say, in this vast universe.

This is dramatic, but even if distance tear us apart, and separated us far away, that even if we travel in the velocity of light it would take thousand of years, and it made me nothing important and insignificant in your life and memories, I want to say thank you. Thank you for the lessons you've taught me, whether you realize it or not. Thank you for listening, for being such a great person and friend, thank you for taking your time to get to know and understand this complicated individual. Thank you for knowing the real me. Last but not least, thank you for being honest and true.

I hope you have a wonderful walk on your own road now, and be forever who you are. And in no time, you'll be long gone, as I moved on. Until we meet again, farewell.
