Wisuda = Graduation

Yesterday I had my graduation ceremony, finally I'm officially not a high-schooler anymore. It was a bit... hmm, garing, I think? The speeches given were too long, none of the graduates were listening. Even I almost fell asleep. But besides that, I had fun, I took pictures with my friends and talked and laughed with them. I don't know when will I have the chance to be with them again, so I'm glad that I was enjoying yesterday, because all of us are going for different path. I wish all the best for each of us (yeah, yeah, I'm being fluffy, but no, actually, seriously). 

Last but not least, I love you 12 Science-3. 

These are some of yesterday's photo

[ Nandia, this photo is actually my best shot of yesterday ] 

[ Tika - Kamil - Me ]

[ The Physics Olympic Team ]

[ (one of my) Favorite photo ]

[ My buddies ]
