A Sentimental Monday

I don't... feel so well. Well yes, I'm sick, I had cough and influenza, but, this not-so-well feeling does not come from my body. Maybe from my heart?

I was reading my timeline, everybody is saying congratulations to the seniors, to my friends, for their graduation, and for entering the university they had dreamed for some time. Well I'm happy for them too, but on the other side, it makes me feel depressed and worried. Maaf jadi curhat, tapi emang ga tahan buat nulis, dan ya aku memang harusnya sekarang lagi sama kimia dan fisika, karena Rabu ulangan teori kinetik gas dan itu masih ngambang. Sialan aku jadi tambah depresi karena itu belom ngerti bener.

Atau mungkin karena kejadian tadi siang gara-gara telat dijemput?

when I wrote this, the radio played simply red- straight into your arms.
