A Letter for an Old Friend

To: An elementary friend of mine
From: Renes

Dear friend,
How are you doing? Fine, I hope. You're already in college, in a well-known university. Congratulations! And from what I've read on your tumblr, you're changing. You said that you've become an introvert. Well, I was one, and still am.

I know that time flies, and during that time people change. And I know very well I haven't seen you for quite some time, like 6 or 7 years probably. You said that I'm your friend, but from the last chat, I feared that maybe I'm going to lose a good friend because you've grown to be way too introvert, and you've build a big, tall, thick walls around yourself, keeping everything inside. You also said that nobody heard you, that you feel like you wanted to scream out loud, that you were going to explode.

You know what? I've been in your position, in your exact situation now. One thing, if you feel like no one heard you, or no one understands you, remember this: Allah, bre. And do you know the words "God is always good"? Also, God always has bigger plans for us.

Another thing. If you fell like no one heard you. and if you wish someone to hear you, well, I heard you. I'll listen to you. And even if you consider me not as your friend anymore, but as an outsider, then, for your information, I'm still your friend. Always.

your friend always,

Couldn't you be grateful for this life and for what you have?
