Mirror Writing
It's good to be writing again. Last Saturday, somehow I managed to hurt my right back. Yes, my back and let me tell you, backache hurts like a biatch. I couldn't even sleep. It's gotten better now, still a bit sprained(?) if that's the correct word, so I'm trying to be more careful about my own body positions when moving around or placing myself before doing anything. This week I also tried mirror writing for the first time. The idea popped into my head when I was in bed some nights ago. All of the sudden I just remembered the story of Leonardo da Vinci, who was a leftie and whose notes were all mirror-written. I tried tracing the letter 'G' that night and that's when the idea came to me, to try mirror writing. My first attempt was on Thursday, I was an emotional wreck so I tried to untangled some of my emotions by writing. I thought, "Well, might as well try the mirror writing," and I did. Somehow it cheered me up a bit. Here's my ...