
Showing posts from May, 2014

Letter: Late Birthday Present

Saturday, 24th May 2014. Present from Sheila, which is a new agenda :) To: Sheila Subject: Thank you soo much Sheil! 

Wisuda = Graduation

Yesterday I had my graduation ceremony, finally I'm officially not a high-schooler anymore. It was a bit... hmm, garing , I think? The speeches given were too long, none of the graduates were listening. Even I almost fell asleep. But besides that, I had fun, I took pictures with my friends and talked and laughed with them. I don't know when will I have the chance to be with them again, so I'm glad that I was enjoying yesterday, because all of us are going for different path. I wish all the best for each of us (yeah, yeah, I'm being fluffy, but no, actually, seriously).  Last but not least, I love you 12 Science-3.  These are some of yesterday's photo [ Nandia, this photo is actually my best shot of yesterday ]  [ Tika - Kamil - Me ] [ The Physics Olympic Team ] [ (one of my) Favorite photo ] [ My buddies ]

Grandpa's Stuff

Yesterday I visit Grandpa at my Aunt's house, and he gave me a chemistry crash course, also some of his old stuff. Katanya kalau pakai yang Dow (the white one), harus ditaksir berapa kira-kira angka yang ada di antara skalanya. Dan ada 2% tingkat kesalahan dalam penaksiran itu. Kalau yang contoller, bilangannya cenderung bulat. But still, he said it's better to use nowadays calculator, because it doesn't have the 2% mistake rate. [Jaqcuard paper bundle | The Dow Ruler, Calculator, and Table | Calculator-Controller from Amtraco] [ My favorite, Grandpa said this can be used to calculate in knot]

A Writer

I think, the best thing about being a writer, is that you are free to become whoever you like in your story. Anybody you want to be in real life, but you can't. You have the freedom to transform people, to say what you can't say to them in reality. Most of all, you're free to be yourself.

BGYC 4.0

Several days ago, I attend this Bandung Global Youth Conference 4.0, held by AIESEC LC Bandung, which is my first conference. It was 3 days, from April 25-27. The theme is how to be a 21st century leaders. I was the only highschooler in BGYC, the rest were college kids. At first I was worried, because I hardly knew anyone. But my worries were wrong, I get to know and meet new people, learn new ideas, and have some new friends. In BGYC, I learn that age doesn't matter. If you could make a change, then make it happen!