Panitia 9

Well, now I want to write about my friends in the 9th grade. Why do I give the title "Panitia 9"?? Because there are 9 of us! They're very nice, kind, fun, and smart! Even sometimes they can be very annoying and devilish, they are my best friends!

Inilah Panitia 9:
Qonita, Miftah, Adrin, Icha, Vera(Pepey), Hatam, Zaki, Dita, and me!


  1. haha... :D
    I like sipanse! :D

  2. nes, ajari aku ngedit blog T.T demi nilai ujian praktek.ayolah

  3. Iya boleh, sok aja Cha. Mau kapan???? Dimana? Kudu aya komputer weh pokoknya mah sama internet.


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