
Showing posts from December, 2010

Doing Nothing

YEAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! UAS sudah berakhir!!!! Sekarang tinggal tunggu nilai-nilainya aja. Dan masih ada satu hal lagi: UN. But, here I am, at home, doing nothing but playing computer. I really need this, just for today. :)

A Friday Noon

Sebetulnya, ini kejadian tuh kira-kira udah sekitar 2/3 minggu yang lalu. Tapi baru sempet aku tulis sekarang. Begini ceritanya... M y grandpa has just came home from Jum'atan. I was with mom in the living room, playing computer that noon. And then, my grandpa came in to the living room. We had a conversation like this... Grandpa: An old lion has came out of his den, and he said," What will I eat today?" Me: And what do you want to eat? Grandpa: Something nice. Me: Aggggghhh.... Mom: Tempe (dengan watados tea) Grandpa: Arrrrrrrrgggghh!!! That's riddiculous!! Me and Mom: Huahahahahahahaha...(ketawa ngakak, imege-nya langsung ancur banget dah, udah gaya ngomongnya pake Inggris, dijawabnya tempe lagi :D) Me: Ndog deh ndog, gimana? Grandpa: Hmm, it's a little bit better Me and Mom: Wkwkwkwkwkwkwk...(masih cekikikan) Aduuuh, eyang, ada-ada aja!^^